Thursday, April 19, 2012

the end... of the beginning

According to my pattern that I’ve kept up this semester on varying the posts on this blog between freshman year and pre-freshman year memories at Penn State, this week should be something from my past.

In a way, it is. This week marks the last post that this blog will see. It is toward the end of the semester, but more importantly, it is toward the end of my first year of college. So, in a way, this post is both contemporary and “historical.”

It’s been a hell of a ride. I think that’s safe to say. If anything, it’s certainly safe to say that there is no way that I could have ever predicted what freshman year at Penn State would be like (especially this year).

I remember being absolutely terrified when my ROTC orientation started. I remember being equally terrified my first week on campus. And I remember thinking that those fears had nothing compared to the terror of trying to make new friends.

As it turns out, all of those things went incredibly well right from the start.  Not only do I enjoy ROTC, but I enjoy the people as well. As for campus, I know it incredibly well now. I have my favorite buildings, my least favorite buildings, know my shortcuts, and know the routes to take when I honestly just feel like strolling. And as for the friends, I’ve made a great deal. I love my floor, the bonds we’ve made, and the foundation that we’ve established for our next three years here.

I think the thing that is most exciting about having finished my first year here, is that I still love it. It’s a little different from the magical place that I saw it as as a kid, but it’s magical in entirely new ways now. As for those ways, I’m sure they will continue and foster – and I can honestly say that I couldn’t be more excited.

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